Hi guys! I know it’s been forever and I am so sorry for that. I had some personal stuff going on and was unable to post. I’m back now though and hope to become regular with my blogs again. 

I feel like I should do a check in with everyone since it has been so long. Is school going well? How is everyone feeling? And most importantly…how was your Halloween? I mean it’s one of the best holidays of the year. It’s the only time you get to pig out on candy without people judging you. 

This Halloween was different though. This was because of what I am calling, the sick phenomenon. Years ago the fad had been vampires and werewolves, now it’s cancer and sick kids. I loved The Fault In Our Stars as much as anyone else, in fact it’s one of my favorite books partially because it didn’t sugar coat things, but people who are healthy didn’t seem to get that. Healthy people saw a love story worthy of Romeo and Juliet. The reason I know this? When I was at a party and out trick or treating, guess what couples’ costume I saw? Yep. Gus and Hazel. Decked out with a cannula and water bottle oxygen tank. So now it’s “acceptable” to dress up as someone with terminal cancer…because it’s fictional and all. 

The thing these people don’t realize is, they get to take off the cannula at the end of the day and they don’t need an oxygen tank to survive. It is extremely offensive to dress up as these characters. I know I’m probably going to catch some heat for this because everyone has dressed up as their favorite character at some point or another, so why shouldn’t someone dress up as a character just because they are sick or have cancer? I believe it is crossing a line. Today with shows like The Red Band Society glamorizing illness and being in the hospital, that line is being crossed more and more. To me it is offensive that people who are perfectly healthy want to dress up/pretend to be people who are terminally ill. They should be thankful for their health because, as I know all too well, that can be taken away in a moment. 

My next post (which will hopefully be soon) will be continuing on this topic of the spreading “sick phenomenon” and how The Red Band Society plays a huge part in it. I mean really, how ridiculous is that show? Hospitals are not like that, not to mention the patients, and well I’ll probably end up going off on a rant. Email me at sickchick@tcapp.org if you want me to say anything specifically, have anything to ask me, or really don’t agree with anything I’ve said. 

I want to hear from you! 

Lots of Love

Sick Chick 
